Yesterday, Monday March 21st, we had a solid group of Sellwood Cycle Repair crew and friends of the shop to help Northwest Trail Alliance with building a new connector trail out at the Rocky Point Recreation Area. We were treated to the full Rocky Point build day experience courtesy of Mother Nature with pouring rain and heavy fog all day. It was actually pretty dreamy.

If you have not heard, the NWTA and their cadre of volunteers have been creating an eclectic mix of hand built trails off of Rocky Point road off of Highway 30.

These trails are open to NWTA members only through their relationship with the land managers so you will need to become a member! Please sign up here to enjoy these amazing trails.

We were tasked by NWTA director, and pro-brownie baker, Scooter Stutterer to create a new connection between “Ill tempered Gnome ” and a new future trail. This involved spot-checking some drainage areas, and breaking ground on an all-new section of trail along-side an access road. This section utilized all of our collective skills and we came out with a short section that will have a lot of fun lines once we get to riding it.

We had a great time despite the less than ideal weather and capped it all off with refreshments and some of Scooter’s delicious brownies. Stay tuned for our next dig day!