Sunday marked the annual Bear Springs Trap race weekend, and most of us made it out for Sunday’s XC race. In short, it was totally rad… So much so that I thought I’d collect some observations from those around the shop as to why this is the case. Here’s what I found:
Mahoney: It’s rad because it’s a “point to point, non-loop course with a wide variety of terrain”.
Brad: “It’s hard and Petr runs it, and he’s hard. A hard course by a hard man… That’s a good quote”.
Pace: It’s rad “cause it’s our race”.
Julie: “I like the variety in the trails… They’re well built”.
Erik: Its rad “because you know you’re mountain biking… You can read between the lines. You wouldn’t bring a cross bike… Nobody would bring a knife to that gun fight”.
Jeremiah: “It’s the best XC course on the calendar, and it seems to bring out the best in the racers as well”.
So there you have it. We believe Bear Springs to be among the best races of the year, and one that is not to be missed. If you weren’t able to make it out, there is always next year. And for those that did, we hope you’re licking your wounds, thinking about just how rad Bear Springs Trap is.

Race faces at the start…

The dirt bike, behind the man, behind the race.

And of course, the trusty Kona van, surrounded by various steeds post-race.
A big thanks to Petr and Hurricane Racing, and all those that helped put the race on!