The ability to carry stuff when riding is essential, so we figured we’d highlight the backpacks that we currently carry. All our backpacks are designed with cycling in mind. They are built around waterproof liners and feature compartments, comfort, and safety elements that aid cyclists and non-cyclists alike. We’re currently stocking backpacks from Truce Designs, Hollygolightly, and Banjo Brothers.
Truce Designs is a Portland company using high quality re-purposed materials in stylish, elegant, and smart designs. We currently have both their Small and Medium “Drop Liner” packs in stock. These bags utilize a free-floating waterproof liner, a bevy of outer and inner pockets, and hip and sternum straps to help stabilize the bag on your back. Both bags are currently on sale at $160 for the small and $230 for the medium bag.
Hollygolightly is a custom bag company run by our friend Joel Holly, also based here in Portland. Hollygolightly also makes use of re-purposed materials in his construction, and makes all his bags by himself. Holly’s bags are each unique and artfully made, utilizing both inner and outer pockets, and wide padded straps for comfort. Both bags are priced at $140.
Banjo Brothers makes a great, utilitarian, and extremely affordable product. Their packs employ a replaceable waterproof inner liner, copious outer pockets, and comfortable straps. We have these bags in black and white and both are going for $85.
Come by the shop and check out these backpacks, and if you have any questions please feel free to give us a call.