Our trip to Kona World Headquarters was a complete success. For the fifth year in a row, Kona hosted us and a slew of shops from around North America to check out their new line of bikes in Bellingham, WA. It’s a wonderful time for us; we get to ride all the new bikes, check in with our sister Kona dealers, and catch up with old and new friends.
The Kona Launch has also become somewhat of a work retreat for us as well. Besides having fun, drinking beers, and fooling around, we make tough decisions about the shop and things that we want to do. Our man in charge, Erik Tonkin, brings us together to take the pulse and chart our course. We come back from this event every year ready to get back to work with an eagerness that is unparalleled.
But rather than give you a list of what we saw, what we did, and what we liked, I’m just going to flood this post with pictures. We’ll be detailing some of the new bikes we’ll be bringing in on the blog here over the next few weeks. Thanks for a great time Kona!