This is Dan’s Biscane Custom, AKA the “Ice Pony”. The frame originally came into Dan’s possession about 15 years ago when a friend’s parents were tired of it sitting around their garage. It’s admittedly on the heavy side (as far as old steel frames go), but we consider all those ounces to have an equal weight in character.

This bike began to take on a life as a simple “bar bike”. Often left locked up outside Dan’s favorite haunts in Portland for days at a time. Friends would see the bike outside and stop in for a pint assuming Dan was there, but it was just his bike, and Dan was drinking elsewhere in town. Ah, the good ol’ days.

Some folks might be amazed that this bike is still in his possession, and you probably wont be too surprised to hear that it was stolen last year. Thieves cut the lock and made off with his baby. After an arduous week-long search, Dan found the bike leaning up against a picnic table nearest the bike rack it had originally been stolen from. There were two “unsavory types” sitting next to it, and had hung a huge bowie knife from the handlebars.
With only a little explanation Dan convinced them it was his bike, offered them their knife back, and rode away. Sadly things were in rough shape as the thieves had spray painted the wheels and drivetrain in an attempt to disguise the bike, but it made for a good excuse to do a little rebuild.

The *new* Ice Pony now features SRAM Apex Cranks, a new wheelset (set up tubeless!), and a new basket/rack combo. It look rough, but it’s a smooth roller. One of those all-day about-town cruisers. And we love it!

Except, maybe, for the saddle. The saddle is disgusting, NGL.

The build list:
-Biscane frame. (Still the original patina. the old wheels and cranks were spray painted)
-Shimano 105 hubs
-Alex Adventure 2 rims
-Gravel King Tires, set up tubeless
-Wald Basket
-Heavy Duty front rack (no-name)
-A well-loved Turbo saddle
-Converted to 1″ threadless
-PDW full metal fenders

how do you convert to 1″ threadless?