One of our national level racers, Beth Anne just traveled to Cincinnati for a couple days of racing and has a quick report for us. You can follow her exploits on her blog here. Without further ado:

Cincy 3 was a very unique weekend of racing:  Three well composed courses, beautiful fall weather, and stacked fields.  I was sick going into the weekend and had pretty low expectations, but was able to pull off 6th, 13th, and 7th place finishes. The pace of the races was eye opening. I  was happy with the top 10 finishes, particularly with respect to the girls I lined up against.

Saturday’s 13th place wasn’t a disappointment, just representative of some mistakes I made in the mud (but, it was fun!).  Barry hooked me up with a great host family, the Streckers, who lent me their car, and some serious race support.  I’m hoping to carry some form with the UCI points to Jingle Cross in two weeks.

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