It’s hard not to turn your head as our customer Nick rolls by, pulling his kingly monster green chariot behind a 1995 Kona Cinder Cone.  Nick came by the other day and unsurprisingly was quite the social magnet when he rolled this beast through our front doors (Note that this trailer would never have had made it in the old shop).  After installing some grips, used pedals, and a few bolts – he allowed me to join him for the maiden voyage.

We cruised down Miller for a block before returning to the shop – and I have to say I was impressed by the stoutness and even ride of the chariot.  The source of this wild thing can be traced back to Johnnie over at Rejuiced Bikes, who adapted his bike-car design, removing the front wheel to create more of a bicycle-pulled rickshaw.  Copious recycled parts, ranging from 12″ wheels to whole bicycle frames, comprise the frame for the trailer – each serving both an aesthetic and structural function.  Perhaps the slickest part of the whole design is the integration of the trailer hitch ball and coupler to allow for quick and easy disengagement.  The bike is currently a work in progress, and Nick plans on installing banana seats on the two bikes providing auxiliary power, with wooden seating outfitting the front and rear facing benches.

If you ever catch Nick pulling his monster chariot down the street give him a holler – as he’ll likely take you for quite a ride.